A Guy Asked Reddit If He Was The Asshole For Hosing Down The Kid Who Messed Up His Lawn

A Guy Asked Reddit If He Was The Asshole For Hosing Down The Kid Who Messed Up His Lawn
Wes Anderson movie side plot or wholesome neighborhood friendship?
· 9.3k reads ·
· ·

Usually the AITA subreddit and throws up some wild stories and also serves as an inspiration for the occasional joke. On Friday, May 5, 2023, Redditor u/tway23421 posted a WIBTA message, and asked the community if his actions would constitute asshole behavior.

u/tway23421 (37, M) noticed that a particular kid would bike or walk through the lawn with cleats on after a soccer game. After an initial confrontation, OP wrote that the kid sent a message to him with an extra stomp. In retaliation, OP decided to hose the kid down, and after running away the first time, they've now become friends and the kid doesn't mind. However, OP's wife wants him to end it because it might make them "look like childish idiots."

The consensus was that OP was not the asshole and the top comments quickly were shaped by a joke form u/warpus, in which they said they said that OP should carry on "to see if their life turns any more into a Wes Anderson movie."

by u/DearDorothy from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/warpus from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/Qualityhams from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/sbg8184 from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/Sherpthederp from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/ExtremeRepulsiveness from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole

And, right on cue, there were also bewildered non-Americans who were more perturbed by the fence situation here.

by u/SuperciliousBubbles from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/Encartrus from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole

Overall people seemed supportive.

by u/eclectic-up-north from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole

And OP also answered questions:

by u/kokonikoreteureshii from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/tway23421 from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/jbbarnes1918 from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole

by u/kokonikoreteureshii from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/tway23421 from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole

by u/kokonikoreteureshii from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/tway23421 from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole

by u/Kasparian from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/tway23421 from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole

Redditors shared their stories on inter-generational friendships:

by u/Glittering-Ad6906 from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole
by u/D_OShae from discussion WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
in AmItheAsshole

Via Twitter/Reddit.

[Photo by Delia Giandeini on Unsplash]


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