
Wednesday, October 18th. Day 272.

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Trump's Pick For Texas Judge Openly Admits He Discriminates Against Gay People

Vice News uncovered audio of Jeff Mateer, Trump's nominee to become a district judge in Texas, saying he discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation. He made the statement in a speech during the 2015 National Religious Liberties Conference. Mateer is currently serving as the first assistant attorney general in Austin, Texas.  Listen to the audio below.


Conway, Trump Jr. Promoted Tweets From Russian Account In Week Before Election

It was revealed earlier this week that @Ten_GOP was operated by a Russian troll farm. Now, the Daily Beast reports that Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump, Jr. and other Trump campaign surrogates promoted the account in the run-up to election day. It's unclear if they knew who was operating the account at the time. 

Judge Orders Trump Administration To Allow Undocumented Immigrant To Get Abortion

A 17-year-old undocumented immigrant who was caught at the border on September 11th must be allowed to obtain an abortion, according to a federal judge. The teen requested access to an abortion when she was sent to a federally funded shelter, but The Trump administration argued that she can pursue other options to access an abortion, such as leaving the country or finding a US sponsor (which the girl has said she's tried). The shelter reportedly paid for her to be taken to a "crisis pregnancy center' that attempted to dissuade her from going through with an abortion.

Trump Promised $25,000 To Family Of Fallen Soldier And Never Followed Through

The Washington Post reports that President Trump promised the father of Army Cpl. Dillon Baldridge $25,000 and that he would direct staff to establish a fundraiser for him and his family after his son was killed in Afghanistan. Both promises are still unfulfilled according to Baldridge. Trump's offer came after Baldridge complained that his ex-wife would receive all of the Pentagon's $100,000 death gratuity. The White House claims the check is in the mail.

Update: The White House says the check has now been sent.

Trump Tells Wife Of Fallen Soldier: 'He Knew What He Signed Up For'

ABC reports that President Trump has finally called some of the families of soldiers who lost their lives in early October, after being questioned at a press conference why he hadn't mentioned the tragedy in the 12 days since it occurred. But Representative Frederica Wilson of Florida overheard the call, and said Trump's words were disrespectful. According to Wilson, Trump told US Army Sergeant La David Johnson's widow Tuesday that "he knew what he signed up for… but when it happens, it hurts anyway." 

Trump took to Twitter to deny the report (although a source close to him says he was "misunderstood").


The Associated Press reports that despite Trump claiming that he's called the family of every fallen soldier that has died during his presidency, they found three families who had not received calls from Trump.

Update: Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, verified Representative Wilson's account of Trump's phone call, saying "President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband."

Trump Reverses Support Of Obamacare Subsidy Funding

Tuesday afternoon, President Trump praised a bipartisan plan by two top senators that would provide temporary funding for Obamacare subsidies paid to insurance companies that were nixed by Trump last week. In a speech Tuesday evening, however, Trump called the plan a "bailout," a sentiment he echoed Wednesday morning in a tweet that praised Senator Lamar Alexander (a co-author of the bill) while criticizing his proposed legislation. 


Jeff Sessions Gives More Testimony To Senate Judiciary Committee

Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, rebuffing and dodging many questions, saying little of substance. Sessions did give the media a small nugget to chew on, however, when he told senators that it was possible that he discussed Trump policy positions with the ambassador of Russia before his election. Sessions denied discussing particular conversations he had with President Trump, specifically discussion that led up to the firing of former FBI Director James Comey.

Trump blasted Comey over Twitter this morning, after documents released by the FBI revealed that Comey drafted a memo proclaiming Hillary Clinton's innocence before the FBI interviewed her.

Monday, Sean Spicer interviewed with special investigator Robert Mueller as part of his investigation into Russian election interference.

Trump Adviser Circulates Document Claiming That Diminished Manufacturing Leads To More Abortion 

The Washington Post reports that last month, top Trump adviser Peter Navarro circulated a document claiming that diminished manufacturing led to higher rates of abortion, divorce, spousal abuse and infertility. The paper had no supporting data or evidence for its claims. 

<p>Benjamin Goggin is the News Editor at Digg.&nbsp;</p>

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