
Monday, May 15th. Day 115.

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  • Trump Revealed Highly Classified Information To Russian Officials During Oval Office Meeting: The Washington Post reports that during last week's Oval Office meeting with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador, the President revealed highly classified information about the Islamic State โ€” which was collected as part of "an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government." Furthermore, the information shared had not been cleared for sharing with Russia. 
  • First Congressman Calls For Trump's Impeachment: Representative Al Green of Texas is the first congressman to call for President Trump's impeachment. In a statement, he called Trump's firing of James Comey "an impeachable act" of obstruction. 
  • NATO Prepares Sanitized Meeting For Trump: Higher-ups at NATO have reportedly instructed organizers of the upcoming NATO meeting to shorten discussions, and not issue a post-meeting brief, for fear that President Trump won't like it. NATO leaders appear to be attempting to appeal to Trump's sensibilities with the meeting after Trump has threatened to pull funding from the organization.
  • Trump's Received Fake News On Global Warming: President Trump has reportedly dodged record-keeping rules that require documentation of what reaches his desk, and apparently, has already received fake news that won't be remembered. Politico reports that K.T. McFarland, the deputy national security adviser, put a fake Time cover on Trump's desk that appeared to be from the 70s and warn of an impending ice age. Apparently, the cover had Trump agitated throughout the day until he was told that it was fake.
  • Trump And Senate Head For Clash Over New FBI Chief: President Trump said Saturday that he intends to nominate a new FBI chief this week, but Democrats in the Senate are ready to fight. Leading Democrat Chuck Schumer told CNN that Democrats will attempt to block the approval of a new Director until the Justice Department appoints a special prosecutor to investigate the connections between Trump and Russia.
  • Trump Calls For Paid Family Leave: On Mothers' Day, President Trump called for paid family leave for mothers and fathers, as well as better healthcare access for mothers and newborns. Trump pledged to work with Congress to establish a leave policy. The health care bill that passed The House last month would slash funding for Medicaid and Planned Parenthood.

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Here's what happened Friday.

<p>Benjamin Goggin is the News Editor at Digg.&nbsp;</p>

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