Vibe Shift, McDonald's Sprite And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked

Vibe Shift, McDonald's Sprite And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
This week, we've also got "All three are going to lie to you."
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Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit. Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked.

This week, we've got “All three are going to lie to you,” the vibe shift and McDonald’s Sprite.

3. All Three Are Going To Lie To You

The meme

The “Never Ask A…” AKA ​​”All Three Are Going To Lie To You…” meme rose from the dead this week as netizens had fun dredging up some of the most notorious skeletons in the closet of the rich and famous.

The meme involves an old clip art jpeg that says “never ask a woman her age,” “a man his salary,” and a blank in place for the third forbidden question.

The Daily Dot’s Michelle Jaworski explained that the “meme originated on Facebook in 2016” and randomly popped up as mad lads and lasses began circulating some unflattering biographical details for some beloved Hollywood stars.



James Crugnale

2. Vibe Shift

The meme

Last week, The Cut published an article by Allison P. Davis called “A Vibe Shift Is Coming.” It details what’s been termed a “vibe shift” by Sean Monahan, writer of the Substack newsletter 8Ball: a cultural moment in which the most desirable fashion and aesthetics change, and anyone whose style doesn’t change with it ends up seeming outdated, and possibly a little cringe.

You can read the piece for the full context, but it launched both a panic on Twitter about where we all stood in relation to the current vibe and whether we would be able to change with the next one — and, of course, it launched a whole lot of memes.

Wherever the vibe goes next, just know that whatever vibe you’re in is valid. There will always be people in a different vibe (and usually a different generation) sneering at you, but there will also always be people on your team. Vibe on, friends.


Molly Bradley

1. McDonald’s Sprite

The meme

The fountain of youth, the holy grail, that one Mountain Dew flavor you’ve only heard rumors about: there are plenty of sweet nectars, juices, drinks, sodas and other liquids that are considered to be in rarefied air. McDonald’s Sprite is one of those beverages. And recently, it’s been compared to a lot of things (quite accurately): electrical outlets, fireworks, pop rocks — you name it, people memed on it. For some reason, McDonald’s Sprite is just different in a way that is hard to explain unless you have it and know that the canned/bottled version isn’t quite the same.

At any rate, have fun seeing people clown on their favorite soda — until the corporate McDonald’s account ruins the fun and kills the bit. Professional social media handlers have a nasty habit of stopping the momentum kickstarted by Twitter’s creativity and playfulness.


Jared Russo

And if you're hungry for more memes, here's last week's "The Week's Best Memes, Ranked" article, where we rank Mary J. Blige’s Super Bowl death drop, 50 Cent’s Super Bowl entrance and the Tinder Swindler.


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