America's Best States For Beer, Mapped

America's Best States For Beer, Mapped
From grocery 6-packs to boutique breweries, here's where you get the best stuff in America.
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The folks at VinePair scanned America and found all types of breweries, barrels, pubs and more to determine which state had the best beer experience. Here's a map of what they found (click to expand the map):

  • Vermont is the best place to be if you enjoy beer. The Green Mountain State has highly-rated beer that can be found in over 74 craft breweries,

  • Beer menus in states like Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky and others nearby are likely to be sparser than others.

  • California has the most breweries (931) and craft barrels produced (3,499,182) per state.

  • Indiana, Rhode Island, New Jersey have some of the lowest taxes on beer, whereas Tennessee has the highest state excise tax ($1.29) on beer nationwide. Alaska is second ($1.07).

Via VinePair.


  1. Randall Brown 1 year ago

    I have lived and traveled all over this great country. Other states do have great beers. Coloroado, Washington. But the beer culture in Wisconsin is truly unique.

    1. Gregg Bender 1 year ago

      Definitely! I lived in Wisconsin for 12 years. Beer and the Green Bay Packers!!

  2. Pow Hound 1 year ago

    Vermont...WHAT? Who wrote this crap. CO should be #1!!

  3. Reed Hunt 1 year ago

    Hello - earth to authors...the VAST majority of hops, nationally, are grown in WA, which may also explain why the best IPAs also come from the state!

    1. Pow Hound 1 year ago

      Definitely not! Best hops and malts are from Europe...where GMO anything is not used.

  4. Richard B 1 year ago

    LOL. Some New Yorkers trying to make a point using statistics. Try visiting Wisconsin first.

    1. Marc H 1 year ago

      For sure, but living here, and originally being from Michigan.... The mitten's beer just stomps out WI. (IMHO) New Glarus definitely ain't all that, and the craft brews in WI are simply more tame than Michigan, who I think takes more chances and produces better products overall... Once again, just my humble opinion.

  5. skip tracer 1 year ago

    I lived in WI and now I live in VT. In WI beer is everywhere and part of the culture, not so in VT. VT does have a lot of excellent craft beer but beer is not king in VT, maple syrup is!

  6. Dave Cobb 1 year ago

    More like Bitter Beer Lovers ;-)

  7. Annie Johnson 1 year ago

    My friends in Wisconsin would like a word.

    1. Robert 1 year ago

      This is Colorado…how can we help?

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