Today In 2016: Does Donald Trump Hate Taco Trucks?

Welcome to Today In 2016, your daily digest of all things election. Today Hillary Clinton rakes in cash, Donald Trump is going to church, and taco trucks take a hit.

Today's Headlines

Leaked Script Shows How Donald Trump Will Court Black Voters At A Detroit Church [The New York Times]

Lester Holt, Anderson Cooper, Martha Raddatz, And Chris Wallace To Moderate Presidential Debates [CNN]

After Heavy Criticism, Clinton To Begin Flying With Press [ABC News]

After Mexican President Tweeted Donald Trump Dissent, Trump Changed His Immigration Speech [The Hill]

Hillary Clinton Raised $143 Million In August Despite Low Favorability [US News And World Report]

Trump Not Paying At Least 10 Of HIs Top Staffers [Reuters]

Garrison Keillor Turns Trump Campaign Into Sad Melodrama [Chicago Tribune]

In Wake Of EpiPen Debacle, Hillary Clinton Unveils Plan To Fight Drug Price Spikes [The Hill]

The Long And Short Takes

How Donald Trump Harnesses The Politics Of Fear

The Trump campaign is commonly criticized for drawing on people's fears rather than hopes, appealing to voters through stoking contempt and skepticism towards those outside of the American mainstream. But is that such a sinister notion? Much of our government's bureaucracy is designed to address real foreign and domestic threats โ€” there is a lot to be feared today. Additionally, data shows that Trump's voter base tends to be more fear-driven, and many believe Trump can only win through fear politics. 

[The Atlantic]

Meet The High Society Women Backing Donald Trump

When it comes to demographics, you'd expect wealthy women to be some of the most likely people to support Hillary Clinton, but there's a small group of Bel Air socialites here to shatter your expectations: The Trumpettes. 

[Politico Magazine]

Hot Air

Taco Trucks On Every Corner, Good Or Bad?

In an MSNBC interview on Thursday night, the founder of Latinos For Trump warned that if we don't clamp down on immigration, we'll have "taco trucks on every corner." It's unclear what would be bad about this situation… maybe he's had some bad experiences with tacos.


Poll Positions

Latest Polling Average

Clinton: 41.4%; Trump: 38.2%; Johnson: 7.8% [Real Clear Politics]

Latest Odds

Clinton: 72.7%; Trump: 27.2% [FiveThirtyEight]

Clinton: 87%; Trump: 12% [New York Times]

Clinton: 94%; Trump: 6% [Princeton Election Consortium]

Need more Election 2016 coverage? Jeez, you're insatiable! Check out our Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton channels.

Enjoy your weekend and indulge in the sweet taste of street taco while you still can.


<p>Benjamin Goggin is the News Editor at Digg.&nbsp;</p>

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