Today In 2016: What's Up With That Trump Server?

Welcome to Today In 2016, your daily digest of all things election. Today: Paul Ryan's already voted for Trump, there are a lot of questions about a Trump email server, and our country's issue with more of the same.

Today's Headlines

Metadata Raises Questions About Communication Between Trump Server And Russia… [Slate]

…But Chances Are, It's Just Spam Email For Trump Hotels [The InterceptThe Washington Post And The New York Times]

Paul Ryan Says He's Already Voted For Donald Trump [Fox News]

WikiLeaks Release Shows Clinton Campaign Manager Frustrated With Call For Complete Transparency On Emails [The New York Post]

How Donald Trump Used A Now-Closed Sketchy Loophole To Avoid Paying Taxes [The New York Times]

Donald Trump Says He Wants A 'Special Session' To Get Rid Of Obamacare [Politico]

The Long And Short Takes

What Donald Trump Gets Right About Black America

Donald Trump's appeals to African Americans have included his "law and order" pro-police rhetoric, but they've also been composed of an appeal to many Black Americans' desire for a higher level of safety, need for better jobs, and better housing. Liberal critics have tried to argue with Trump's talking points, saying that he's ignoring the black middle class and inaccurately portraying all black communities as slums, but as Nikold Hannah-Jones argues โ€” Trump is speaking effectively to the disparity that is felt in black American communities across America. He is speaking to the fact that the Democratic party has continued to fail black America.

[The New York Times Magazine]

More Of The Same Isn't Necessarily Bad

Those on the right are loudly calling for a sea change if not a political revolution with Donald Trump, arguing that Hillary Clinton would just be more of the same. Those on the far left argue that Hillary Clinton is part of the centrist establishment, and would also be part of a military industrial complex that they want no part in. But at a 54% approval rating, it would seem as if most of America wants more of Obama, or at least someone like him. Is it just because Obama's a cool dude, or because America is actually doing just fine?

[The Washington Post]

Hot Air

James Carville Goes Off On MSNBC Anchor: 'You Are Making Excuses For Comey!'

In an appearance on MSNBC yesterday, Democratic Strategist and media personality James Carville gave anchor Thomas Roberts a piece of his mind. After Roberts asked Carville if Democrats were picking and choosing when to support Comey, in light of recent criticism of his letter to Congress of the FBI's renewed scrutiny of Hillary Clinton's emails, Carville snapped "when the facts change our mind…you're sitting here defending an assault on American democracy."


Poll Positions

Latest Polling Average

Clinton: 45.3%; Trump: 43.1%; Johnson: 4.6% [Real Clear Politics]

Latest Odds

Clinton: 71.2%; Trump: 28.7 % [FiveThirtyEight]

Clinton: 88%; Trump: 12% [New York Times]

Clinton: 99%; Trump: 1% [Princeton Election Consortium]

One week until election day! Get your time with Chad in early, because he'll be hanging elsewhere on Tuesday. 

Need more Election 2016 coverage? Jeez, you're insatiable! Check out our Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton channels.โ€‹

<p>Benjamin Goggin is the News Editor at Digg.&nbsp;</p>

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