Obama And Clinton Bash Trump For His Response To Orlando Massacre

On Monday, Donald Trump offered his official response to the recent shooting in Orlando. After giving his condolences to the LGBT community, he used the speech as an opportunity to reaffirm his commitment to an immigration ban of people from countries with a "history of terrorism against the United States." Today, both Obama and Clinton gave speeches skewering Trump for his stance. 

President Obama disparaged use of the term "radical Islam," calling it a harmful talking point instead of a strategy to fight gun violence. He explained that an immigration ban would be "against American ideals" and would make the nation "less safe."

 The New York Times

Clinton echoed similar sentiments to the President, reframing the shooting as an intelligence and gun control issue. "What Donald Trump is saying is shameful and disrespectful to the people who were killed," she said, before calling him "pathological" and "unfit" to be commander-in-chief.

 Hillary Clinton Speeches

Watch Trump's Monday speech here.

<p>Eliza&nbsp;<span>is an Associate Video Editor at Digg.</span></p>

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