Today In 2016: The Truth Behind Melania Trump's 'Pussy Bow Blouse'

Welcome to Today In 2016, your daily digest of all things election. Today: Trump donors want their money back, Bill Clinton acknowledges his "redneck" roots and how late night TV failed to cover this election.

Today's Headlines

Multiple New Sexual Abuse And Assault Allegations Against Trump Surface [Digg]

Big Trump Campaign Donors Are Asking For Their Money Back [NBC News]

Trump Campaign CEO Plotted To Get Rid Of Paul Ryan Before Joining Team Donald [The Hill]

Bill Clinton Says He's A 'Standard Redneck,' Like Trump's Base [The Washington Examiner]

Four Ex-Teen-Pageant Contestants Accuse Donald Trump Of Walking In On Their Dressing Room [BuzzFeed News]

As WikiLeaks Email Releases Continue, Clinton Campaign Connects Russia And Trump [The Washington Post]

One Illinois Teen Is Distorting National Polling Averages [The New York Times]

The Long And Short Takes

Why Late Night TV Can't Handle This Election

In the formulated world of celebrity-PR-centric late night TV, serious critique isn't possible. In the attempt to equalize and normalize, hosts like Jimmy Fallon have surrendered their ability to confront the startling politics of America's scariest mainstream candidate. 

[The Ringer]

A Melania Expert Weighs In On The Importance Of The Pussy Bow

During Sunday's debate, Twitter went wild as political-watchers collectively discovered that the name of Melania Trump's top (Gucci's "Pussy Bow Blouse") was conveniently in-sync with Trump's scandal-of-the-week (the tape where he bragged about grabbing women "by the pussy"). Online theorists quickly divided into two camps: One that was sure that the top was a feminist jab at her husband and one that saw the blouse as a sign of solidarity with The Donald and his crass language. While there's no sure way to know the truth (unless you're actually Melania), a fashion expert and one-time Melania consultant provides his best guess for The New York Times.

[The New York Times]

Hot Air

Trump Campaign Manager Tries And Fails To Make Non-Sensical Hillary Moniker Stick

Quit trying to make "The Magic 46" happen, Kellyanne! On Tuesday night, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway got into a row with CNN's Anderson Cooper when she tried to label Hillary Clinton "The Magic 46," an attempted jab at Clinton's poll numbers, even though Donald Trump is consistently polling below her. 


Poll Positions

Latest Polling Average

Clinton: 44.6%; Trump: 39.1%; Johnson: 6.6% [Real Clear Politics]

Latest Odds

Clinton: 86.4%; Trump: 13.6% [FiveThirtyEight]

Clinton: 88%; Trump: 12% [New York Times]

Clinton: 97%; Trump: 3% [Princeton Election Consortium]

27 days until the election — 27 opportunities to pull out your yonic-statement-wear.

Need more Election 2016 coverage? Jeez, you're insatiable! Check out our Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton channels.


<p>Benjamin Goggin is the News Editor at Digg.&nbsp;</p>

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