Today In 2016: Even Bill O'Reilly Wants Donald Trump To Quit Whining

Welcome to Today In 2016, your daily digest of all things election. Today: Obama and O'Reilly finally agree, a naked Hillary statue appears, and Trump has his own email problems.

Today's Headlines

President Obama Tells Trump: 'Stop Whining' About 'Rigged Election' [The Hill]

Hacked Emails Show Clinton's VP Options Included Bernie Sanders, Tim Cook, And Bill Gates [Talking Points Memo]

Donald Trump's Emails Servers Are Really Insecure, According To Expert [Motherboard]

Naked Hillary Statue Appears In Manhattan Months After Naked Trump Erection [New York Daily News]

Donald Trump Says Paul Ryan Wants Him To Lose Because Of His Own Presidential Ambitions [ABC News]

WikiLeaks Reveals The True Role Of Huma Abedin [Politico]

Michael Moore Debuts Surprise Trump Film Tonight In New York [The Hollywood Reporter]

The Long And Short Takes

The Path To A Donald Trump Victory Doesn't Exist

After the Republican and Democratic national conventions, it was possible to imagine a road to a Trump victory โ€” with Trump trailing, but not by much. But now after two debates and a leaked tape, the margins have expanded. By the numbers, Trump doesn't have a chance.

[The Washington Post]

How Ivanka's Business Will Weather Her Dad's Storm

While Ivanka Trump has remained the rock of her father's volatile campaign, she distinctly leaves politics out of the office at her own business โ€” The Ivanka Trump collection. But as her name becomes more political every day is the path forward for her own brand a family separation from the name that's brought her success until now, or an acceptance of the politicization of her families new brand identity?

[Fast Company]

Hot Air

Bill O'Reilly Sounds Very Fair And Balanced In This Rare Clip

Bill O'Reilly is known for the hardline diatribes that he frequently rattles off on Fox News, so when he appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and gave measured advice to both candidates, telling Hillary to ignore Trump and Trump to "stop whining," our jaws dropped.

 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Poll Positions

Latest Polling Average

Clinton: 45.9%; Trump: 39%; Johnson: 6.5% [Real Clear Politics]

Latest Odds

Clinton: 87.6%; Trump: 12.3% [FiveThirtyEight]

Clinton: 92%; Trump: 8% [New York Times]

Clinton: 97%; Trump: 3% [Princeton Election Consortium]

There's only 21 Days left until election day (and our imminent demise) so now it's time to quit YOUR whining and just smell the election roses

Need more Election 2016 coverage? Jeez, you're insatiable! Check out our Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton channels.

<p>Benjamin Goggin is the News Editor at Digg.&nbsp;</p>

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