The Easiest And Hardest Smartphones To Repair At Home, Ranked

The Easiest And Hardest Smartphones To Repair At Home, Ranked
The "right to repair" fight in America wages on, and some smartphone companies refuse to make their models easy to fix at home.
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America's first "right to repair" law, for farmers, which allows people to fix their own tractors was signed in Colorado, by state Governor Jared Polis. It will also make sure manufacturers provide customers with the parts, knowledge and other items needed to carry out the repairs.

Tech companies whose devices we use daily are still not entirely convinced that allowing customers to repair their own devices is a good idea. Using data from iFixit, a website that shares free repair manuals, Electronics Hub ranked which the smartphones that were easiest and hardest to repair.

Key Takeaways:

  • Google's Pixel 7 was determined to be the hardest phone to repair, which sometimes took over an hour to do the job, followed by Samsung's Galaxy Note 10 and the iPhone SE.

  • Motorolla Moto G7 was the easiest phone model to fix, which took around 25 minutes, followed by Samsung's Galaxy A40 and Galaxy S22 Ultra models.

  • Brands like Asus, HTC, LG, Samsung and Apple are considered more repair-friendly, as opposed to brands like Sony, Xiaomi, Huawei, OnePlus and Honor.

smartphone brand easy and hard to repair ranking

right to repair smartphone brand graph

Via Electronics Hub.

[Photo by Fili Santillán on Unsplash]


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