star crossed lovers

How Do I Tell My Boyfriend I Used To Make Adult Content, And Other Rocky Relationship Stories

How Do I Tell My Boyfriend I Used To Make Adult Content, And Other Rocky Relationship Stories
A man comes to terms with liking being called a "good boy" by his girlfriend.
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The following relationship "advice" is purely satirical and meant for entertainment purposes only — please do not cite us in divorce court.

Each week, we'll be rounding up the internet's most interesting relationship questions and chiming right in. From nightmare first dates to exploring new fetishes, we're leaving no corner of the internet unexplored. To check out the last edition, click here.

Should I Tell My Boyfriend That I Used To Film Porn?

I used to make porn a few years ago, I got really popular in certain communities (if you watch a lot of porn then you've probably seen me lol) but I stopped doing it a year ago because I didn't enjoy it anymore and I wanted more personal sex, making porn was just acting and it got boring.

I've been dating my boyfriend for five months and he's the only boyfriend I've had since quitting porn that I actually love. I don't know if I should tell him that I used to make porn or not. My stuff is still reposted, I still see it occasionally and I'm worried that hes gonna see it. I either tell him now or I don't tell him but I risk him finding out anyway. Advice would be really appreciated

Edit: asking me for the link or my porn name the answer will be no

Honestly, the comments were annoying for this post. We get it, tell him, but damn people were acting like she was Cersei and just screaming, "Shame! Shame! Shame!" the whole way. Oh, she's got a dark past? Well, you had a subscription paying for all of it. Anyways, who cares if you did porn, most people's Instagram's today would fit under the soft-core category anyway, and nobodies paying for that. With that being said, sex workers and entertainers, both past and present are people too, so if he leaves not understanding, it's probably for the better — best of luck friend! Read the rest of the thread here.

Is It Normal That My (24F) Boyfriend (29M) Tells Me I'm Not Allowed To Speak After An Argument?

Whenever we disagree on things he will become so stressed and angry that if I try and resolve the argument in any way he says things like ‘if you don’t stop speaking I will pack up and leave you right now.’ Or he will lock me out of our room and refuse to speak to me for hours.

Often times it’s him starting these arguments as he has a temper and I don’t. Whenever I try and discuss things calmly the next day to try and make sure this doesn’t happen again, he repeatedly yells that he shouldn’t have to repeat himself and I need to accept his first answer and leave him alone.

I feel like we aren’t fixing any of our problems because he won’t discuss any reparations after an argument, he just buries it down and changes nothing.

Do other people experience this or do I have to leave? Sorry if this sounds pathetic to other people, I really do love him and I’m not seeing things as clearly as I should right now.

You don't need to walk out of this relationship, you need to sprint, dash, taxi cab yourself at least 5,200 miles away from this man. This sounds like a very damaging relationship and if it's any consolation, the comments also agree with us that you deserve so much better. We really do hope you find someone who will love, appreciate and listen to you. Best of luck dear friend. Read the rest of the thread here.

Oh no! We only have time for one more. Lucky caller number 73 you've reached the Digg relationship advice hotline, how may we help you?

I think I'm embarrassed that I liked getting dominated by my girlfriend

My girlfriend called me a good boy whilst I was f—g her and I was really into it but I don't get why. She's never called me anything like that before it caught me off guard I guess. I enjoyed her calling me that so much it's embarrassing. She's been acting way more dominant towards me too, it's weird but I kinda like it. It's usually the other way around so I don't understand why she's being like this and I also don't understand why the fuck I like it so much bro. If anyone could give me any idea why my gf being dominant turned me on so much that'd be great because this is fucking embarrassing.

I'm kinda clueless when it comes to kinks/bdsm stuff ngl so this post might just make me sound really stupid

Wow, you know how there's people out there that got it too good but still complain? This isn't even first world problems, this is like first class problems because it sounds like y'all are down to do try it all together. Honestly, as long as you stay within the realms of consent, we say go for it and let her call you whatever works bro. Now, if she was all like, "Get over here you little Cabbage Patch Doll or something," then we'd totally get it — but nah. You crazy kids are just thinking too much into it, now go have fun before your lower back sounds like Velcro every morning and you still gotta write an amazing newsletter. Read the rest of the thread here.

[Image credit: Anna Shvets]


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