A Guy Stunned That A Woman Bought A Banana At Whole Foods, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A Guy Stunned That A Woman Bought A Banana At Whole Foods, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
This week we've also got a journalist inventing the concept of socializing in real life and a guy defending Elon Musk on the assumption he’s running Twitter like a sports team.
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Every day somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week’s characters include a journalist inventing the concept of socializing in real life, a guy defending Elon Musk on the assumption he’s running Twitter like a sports team and someone who has some sort of problem with a woman buying a banana at Whole Foods.


Harry Siegel

The character: Harry Siegel, NYC journo, Brooklyn since ‘77, big spitballer

The plot: Siegel is one of those guys. He lives in New York and works in media. Honestly, the joke should end here, but it doesn’t. Seigel also joined the “Twitter is collapsing” discourse with what I can only assume he thought was a crafty take.

“Maybe the next social network could be one where people gather in cafes and bars and parks and streets to talk and listen in while cultivating friends and foes and professional opportunities and romances and all the rest of it,” Siegel wondered aloud.

The repercussion: The man literally said go touch grass and thought the Internet wouldn’t bite back. As usual, earnest tweeters were in the replies too. Siegel’s a crafty tweeter. Scrutinize his take too much and you’re feeding into his rhetoric, that we all really do need to get out more. But how can you not dunk on a blue check (not paid, for what it’s worth) who doesn’t even put thought into writing semi-intelligible tweets?

Adwait Patil

Dickie Bush

The character: Dickie Bush, former Black Rock trader-turned-“digital builder”

The plot: So much has been made of Elon Musk’s antics and his, uh, “business decisions” over the last month or so after acquiring Twitter. And this has brought out all of the weird Elon defenders and “smart guys” who love that he’s dismantling the company and laying off a ton of the workforce. Enter Mr. Bush and this tweet:

The repercussion: First of all, a coach doesn’t immediately have everyone do a “series of grueling workouts” — that’s not right at all. A “good chunk of the team” will also not quit, because that’s not how professional sports work. Have you heard of contracts? And the goal is to drive away your talent… because? What?

This is not at all rooted in sports, or fact, or even logic whatsoever, and running a business is not at all like coaching a sports team. This is beyond nonsense, and that’s me saying this, not to mention all of the great many people online dunking on him.


Jared Russo


A Guy Taking Pictures Of People Being Normal At Whole Foods

The character: bbornaa, person who takes photos of strangers in the supermarket

The plot: On Saturday, a Twitter user called @bbornaa decided that a woman buying a banana at Whole Foods was remarkable enough that he should take a photo of her and post it on the platform.

It’s not clear what part of the banana-buying scenario this Twitter user took issue with, but it’s super weird to take (and then share on the internet) a photo of someone and their face without them being aware of it or granting you permission.

The repercussion: Twitter users criticized bbornaa’s decision to post the photo — and questioned why he took it in the first place.

Darcy Jimenez


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which included a guy who thinks having more cops would prevent crypto scams, a Chris Evans fan who feels personally betrayed by Chris Evans living his life and more.

Did we miss a main character from this week? Please send tips to [email protected].


  1. Jeff Kopp 1 year ago

    I’m so happy I don’t have to see these sorts of idiotic tweets anymore. Do yourselves a favor and #deletetwitter.

  2. Abrar Khan 1 year ago


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