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Why 'It's A Wonderful Life' Is The Best Christmas Film Of All Time

Why 'It's A Wonderful Life' Is The Best Christmas Film Of All Time
The immortal film's themes of community, kindness and the evilness of greed resonate particularly strongly today.
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The claim that Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life" is the best Christmas film ever is not a controversial one — it's been voted as such many times — but I still know far too many people who haven't seen it.

It's simply unacceptable that some of you have gone your whole lives without experiencing the heartbreak and joy of watching the 1946 classic — so I'm here to make my case for why, if you only see one Christmas movie this year, it should be this one.

What it's about

The film begins with its protagonist, George Bailey, contemplating his suicide on a snowy bridge. Through a guardian angel named Clarence — who has been assigned George's case in order to earn his wings — we see flashbacks of George's life, in which he repeatedly saves others from misfortune or hardship, and continually misses out on opportunities due to plain bad luck or sacrificing them for others.

Clarence is tasked with helping George — who has, after years of strain and disappointment, reached the end of his tether — realize why his life has value, so he shows him what the world would look like if he'd never been born.

Without spelling out the entire plot, George is shown the many ways his community and the people closest to him would be considerably worse-off without him, and, eventually, our lovable main character realizes how very much he wants to stay alive. Think "A Christmas Carol," but reversed.

james stewart george bailey [Image: YouTube]

Why it's great

The character of George is selfless, big-hearted and sincerely believes that looking out for your neighbor is just as important as taking care of yourself. He embodies goodness, and that's why it's so heartbreaking to watch him suffer time and time again — and so deeply touching to later see him realize how loved he is. Sure, he's a flawed man, but a sympathetic one — who wouldn't flip out a little after having their hopes and dreams repeatedly crushed?

The film's small, fictional town of Bedford Falls reflects the world we all live in: there's struggle, there's injustice and there are good people just trying to get by. Its villain, the miserly, avaricious business owner Potter, represents the capitalist greed that inflicts misery and suffering on the unfortunate majority of us (those who aren't born into or blessed with enormous wealth).

At a time when so many are struggling to make ends meet, when politicians are sowing — and benefiting from — division, when untold suffering is being inflicted upon the most innocent, we would all do well to reflect on the message "It's a Wonderful Life" emphasizes: what we do for each other is how we make our lives meaningful, and is the only mark we leave that really matters.

"It's a Wonderful Life" isn't just the best Christmas movie of all time; it's one of the greatest films ever made. (Try not to cry at George's little brother calling him "the richest man in town," I dare you.)

"Its a Wonderful Life" isn't an argument that George is a morally superior man, just that he's a moral man, surrounded by other moral people, and moral people try to take care of each other. The great kindness paid to George at the end of "It's a Wonderful Life" suffuses every frame that came before that moment. It's baked in.

[Emily St. James via Vox]

it's a wonderful life ending [Image: YouTube]


byu/darrylthedudeWayne from discussion

[Main image: YouTube]


  1. Betty Rosales 4 months ago

    Emily St James , you have written your article , as I would have written it .
    What a gifted and keen writer you are .
    Yes , I whole heartedly agree with your depiction as the best Christmas movie ever .
    Frank Capra has an excellent cast and script . But lest not forget original author Philip Van Doren Stern on his self~published book The Greatest Gift 🕯️

  2. Dave Christian 4 months ago

    White Christmas stands alone.

  3. thomas pollock 4 months ago

    some people that answered this really don't have a clue on what life is about or Christmas is part of the reason the world sucks as it does merry Christmas you philthy animals 🤣

  4. Bridget Connors 4 months ago

    I think It's A Wonderful Life is one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen. George Bailey spends his entire life trying to get out of Bedford Falls, can never get past the city limits, has the funds from his bank/S&L/whatever stolen from his incompetent uncle by the richest man in town (and Potter keeps the money and is never caught or punished), is shown that if he is never born that his town is pretty cool, and his little brother rubs it all in by saying George is richest man in town.

    I wanted to slit my wrists after the first time I saw this movie.

  5. Jordan Chandler 4 months ago

    Die Hard is a way better Christmas movie

    1. Jason V Brock 4 months ago


    2. Bridget Connors 4 months ago

      True dat!

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