Putin Invoked J.K. Rowling In A Speech About Western 'Cancel Culture,' And Woof, Did People Have A Lot To Say About It

Putin Invoked J.K. Rowling In A Speech About Western 'Cancel Culture,' And Woof, Did People Have A Lot To Say About It
Putin's comparison of the Russia–Ukraine conflict to people speaking out against J.K. Rowling's views on gender doesn't square. But also, the two of them landing in the same camp just kinda makes sense.
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An unfortunate fact of the modern era is that very often, if you’re on Twitter, you get your news from the sidebar of trending topics. That was how I found out that Vladimir Putin gave a speech today about how, regardless of the war he has been waging on Ukraine, it’s very unfair that people are now “canceling” Russian books and businesses — not unlike how the West is “canceling” J.K. Rowling over her close-minded views on gender.

To be very clear: yes, Putin name-checked “Joanne Rowling,” sympathizing with her cancelation, because he feels the West is now “engaging in cancel culture” against Russia.

So… okay. Let’s break this down. Putin feels that it’s not right for other countries to “cancel” Russian things just because he’s waging war on Ukraine — he’s got a point there; boycotting Russian restaurants in other countries is not going to help the Ukraine in any way. But should the leader of that very war be the one to complain about it? I’m gonna say no, not so much. And is he right to compare people boycotting mostly powerless entities of a nation over a devastating international war that their leader is waging equivalent to people calling an author out for using her enormous platform to consistently rebuke and deny a marginalized group’s gender identity? Once again, I’m thinking he's not.

But to Putin, Rowling is an ally of sorts, at the very least in a kind of the enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend type of way — and honestly, the two of them ending up in the same camp isn't total nonsense.

Needless to say, there were a lot of thoughts about and reactions to this on Twitter.

For her part, J.K. Rowling had this to say in response to Putin’s speech:

Look, she’s not wrong about that. But she’s certainly not right about a whole lot else.


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