Here's The Best Answers From Jon Stewart's Reddit AMA About The Problem With The Stock Market

Here's The Best Answers From Jon Stewart's Reddit AMA About The Problem With The Stock Market
Jon Stewart stopped by Reddit on Monday to answer questions about a recent episode of his Apple TV+ show where he discussed how the subreddit r/WallStreetBets helped expose some fundamental flaws with the stock market during the GameStop frenzy of 2021.
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Jon Stewart took questions from r/IAmA about his recent episode of "The Problem" where he opined that the GameStop short squeeze on Wall Street “crowdsourced a way of rooting out corruption.”

Let's be real: Most people didn’t really pay attention to the inner workings of the stock market until a community of individual investors figured out this system we all obsessively track wasn’t at all transparent or fair. In subreddits and other corners of the internet, these investors realized that hedge funds were shorting certain stocks, including GameStop, and decided to beat them at their own game. They banded together to send the price of GameStop stock through the roof — and in the process they ended up exposing giant faults in the stock market and pushed it to the breaking point. It was big news.

Jon Stewart got the ball rolling with a reference to his famous "Enhancement Smoker" bit from the cult movie "Half Baked," saying, yes, he has done it on weed.

What Did You Think Of The Media's Reaction To The GameStop Short Squeeze?

Should People In Congress Be Banned From Trading Stocks?

Another Redditor explained to Stewart why people in Congress should also be banned from trading index funds as well.

How Do We Stop The Stock Market From Being The Bench Mark For Evaluating The Economy?

How Can Redditors Help Pass A Law?

Did The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Go Far Enough To Regulate The Stock Market?

How Can We Get The Word Out About The Direct Registration System (DRS)?

Some Redditors weren't familiar with this system, so someone explained it at length.

Would There Have Been A Bigger Culture Shift If The Perpetrators Of The 2008 Collapse Had Been Prosecuted?

How Long Do You Expect This Fight To Go On?

Watch Stewart's full segment on how Reddit exposed the fundamental problem with the stock market:


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