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The Top Ten Best-Selling PlayStation 2 Games, Visualized

The Top Ten Best-Selling PlayStation 2 Games, Visualized
If you owned any of the following games, congrats, you are old and these came out twenty years ago.
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The Sony PlayStation 2 is the best-selling console of all time. More people probably bought the console in the early 2000s for its DVD-playing capabilities, but a ton of people also bought video games. So many, in fact, that Chit-Hot was able to round up the numbers and highlight the best-selling games for the best-selling console. Say that ten times fast.

Here's our data visualization of the top ten, a few of which might be surprising (they certainly shocked us).

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The "Grand Theft Auto" games are, of course, the highest on here. Every single GTA game to come out is in the top ten, and all the sequels on the PS3/4/5 are also on the list of best selling games of all time. This is very expected, but warranted, because they're trend-setting, transcendent, genre-defining titles that have yet to be topped by any other sandbox or open world game.

The "Gran Turismo" games are also on here, when they were at their apex. People love cars, and racing, so naturally half of this list would be a GT or GTA. The other half are Japanese Role Playing Games, particularly the Square Enix collection of "Final Fantasy" games and "Kingdom Hearts" which is just a FF game practically.

We were stunned not to see a "God of War" in there, because that ended up being a huge franchise for Sony. "Spyro" and "Crash Bandicoot" and "Sly Cooper" and "Ratchet and Clank" and "Jak and Daxter" are all flagship IPs and characters, but aren't blockbusters. But Kratos not being in the top ten was a surprise for sure.

The one super weird outlier is "Tekken," because fighting games have historically not been super hot sellers. But good for that series; it deserves some great sales.

What games are you shocked to not see on this list? What are your favorite games on the PS2? Use the comment section below, or just yell at us on social media @Digg.


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