'I'm heartbroken'

This Pilot's Homemade Aircraft Stopped Mid-Flight, Here's How He Stuck The Emergency Landing

This Pilot's Homemade Aircraft Stopped Mid-Flight, Here's How He Stuck The Emergency Landing
"One thing this situation has taught me is the importance of a reality check, to differentiate between what's legal and what's actually safe," Ethan McIntosh said.
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McIntosh said his homemade aircraft experienced a crankshaft failure mid-flight, causing the propeller to completely detach from the plane.

In response, he used his training to perform an emergency landing on a New York highway, avoiding injuries to both himself and others. Just prior to this incident, McIntosh had successfully flown the homemade plane across multiple states.


  1. A & Y Company 1 month ago

    THanks for sharing.

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