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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman On ChatGPT's Potential To Replace Human Jobs

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman On ChatGPT's Potential To Replace Human Jobs
"It is going to eliminate a lot of current jobs, that's true," Altman says. "We can make much better ones."
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Via ABC News.


  1. Gregg Bender 1 year ago

    The problem with predicting the future is that the predictions are usually wrong. They also tell to account for unforseen effects. It would be wise to proceed with caution.
    But according to history, we probably won't.

  2. Sinjon Vhalos 1 year ago

    The cotton gin ended slavery. Okay not really but you get the point.

  3. Daymon Hartley 1 year ago

    Our present capitalist economic, social and political system is a victim of its own success. With the robotic, electronic and AI revolution in the economic base well under way we are replacing manual/mental labor as we know it. And that is not a bad thing.
    We are producing untold abundance. If we can get machines to do the back breaking work in the factories, mines etc. then that should be a plus for humanity. But unfortunately they haven't figured out how to get the robots to buy back what they produce.
    And with a system still based on the premise that you have to have a job to earn a wage to buy the necessaries of life and there are fewer living wage jobs....you have an irreconcilable contradiction. The value, profits and market system can no longer function to meet the needs of the majority of society.
    With Globalization there is an evening up process with the exponential spread of the technology. And rather then bringing the rest of the worlds workers up to the living standard we have enjoyed...our standard of living is being driven down to theirs.
    Every economic system has its own objective motion and laws. The 1% have no control over this system as it implodes. Their only response is to move towards an open fascist terroristic dictatorship in the societal superstructure to contain the social response to the destruction wrought by this implosion.
    That social response is the social revolution.
    Democracy in this country has been reduced to merely casting a vote. Every 4 years they let us decide which of their leaders is going to mislead us for another 4 years. To enjoy the fruits of democracy the average person would have to have access to the tools of democracy. Television, print, radio. The only folks who have that access are the billionaires and multi-millionaires.
    Recent elections have shown that even this last little bit of democracy is being dismantled.
    Dr. Martin Luther King was right in demanding economic democracy. The democratic right to a job, house, food, healthcare and that elusive right to human happiness. The only solution is another American revolution in the economic, social, and political system. This revolution has to take place in our minds first and foremost. An intellectual leap by the 99% and the working class. A class in itself that has to become a class for itself.

  4. David Ingham 1 year ago

    Yea, its gonna replace the writers here. ChatGPT is good at writing stories that sound convincing but are filled with inaccurate and misleading information.

  5. Shawn Malloy 1 year ago

    At SOME point, robots and AI will replace nearly all jobs. Don't debate if, it is truly a question of when. If you are doubting it, you are not thinking far enough ahead. The tough question then will be, how do you distribute wealth if income is not based on your job?

    1. Daymon Hartley 1 year ago

      The only solution is an economic, social and political revolution.

  6. John Barilla 1 year ago

    It will eliminate some jobs but add many more relax folks it's overall a good thing and it's not going away believe it.

    1. Daymon Hartley 1 year ago

      Sounds like what the folks on the Titanic were told after hitting the iceberg. "Relax folks...everything is under control. Sit back and listen to the beautiful music being played by our orchestra.

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