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John Oliver Finally Spent A 'Last Week Tonight' Episode Talking About Israel And Palestine

John Oliver Finally Spent A 'Last Week Tonight' Episode Talking About Israel And Palestine
HBO still hasn't officially uploaded his segment on the West Bank, but people are talking about it.
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"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver's" July 28, 2024, episode touched on a lot of subjects. Ben and Jerry's ice cream, JD Vance allegedly having sex with a couch and Dora the Explorer. But, it was Oliver's deep dive into Israel and Palestine — it's been a while since any late night host was vocal about the subject — and his look at the history of the West Bank that got people talking online.

HBO will release the full episode on Thursday, August 1, but, for now, here's a bit of what Oliver spoke about, highlighting the division of legal rights in the West Bank.

Part one:

Part two:

Part three:


  1. DailyPPcheck 3 months ago

    Fantastic breakdown. We must start calling Israel out on their long-running Zionist regime, and the atrocities they have committed with the aid and abetment of their allies around the world. If you think Israel has done no wrong, I urge you to find out what they did BEFORE the UN resolutions, following WW2. This wasn't a just and righteous vision, it was a nationalistic ideal masquerading as a rebellious cause, and WE gave them weapons and the go ahead to invade land that, arguably was once theirs, by any means necessary. This isn't how we do politics, we need to be better, and we need to admit that we've gone about this all wrong, at the expense of the Palestinian people, who are UNDOUBTEDLY being treated like second class, if not worse citizens in their own land.

  2. Israel Auerbach 4 months ago

    There is a Huge difference between a country that kills millions of civilians in gas chambers, and a country that is retaliating to an attack, and fighting to get back it's civilians being held hostage. Stop talking about morals as your compass is WAY off.

    1. DailyPPcheck 3 months ago

      This isn't what zionism is about. Zionism is about taking over the Gaza region by whatever course of action best works for them. And look around, its clearly fences, weaponized walls, and strict citizen separation laws which paint the picture here. And it's not the Jewish people who are struggling.

    2. Bruce Bradshaw 4 months ago

      And 40,000 dead civilians just happened to be in the way. Your moral equivalency appears to be misguided.

  3. Steven Berner 4 months ago

    It’s about time someone called out Israel for its atrocities.

  4. Michael S 4 months ago

    Just what this conflict needs, more corporate media stooges and theoretical comedians yakking about it.

    1. Brian Blake 4 months ago

      What a country, or its people, openly does in the world can be talked about by anyone who wants to. Perhaps, if a government didn't do A, B and C, there wouldn't be anyone feeling the need to discuss it.

  5. niky senderson 4 months ago

    Finally someone speaking up.

  6. Johanus Haidner 4 months ago

    What a clown.

    1. Bruce Bradshaw 4 months ago

      Truth telling is normally followed by deniers throwing personal attacks.

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