'never touch a hells angel's patch'

Ex-Federal Agent Who Infiltrated The Hells Angels Reveals The Rules Of The Club

Ex-Federal Agent Who Infiltrated The Hells Angels Reveals The Rules Of The Club
Jay Dobyns went undercover with the Hells Angels between 2001 and 2003. Here, he explains the inner workings of the world's most infamous outlaw motorcycle club.
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Via Insider.


  1. J V 1 year ago

    Are you still snorting new school Jay Bird 🐦?

  2. Mitchell Phillips 1 year ago

    This guy is a joke. He probably a lose with no friends his whole life using the undercover gig to live out his child hood fantasy of being a criminal. He was able to fool those guys for so long because he had been playing the fantasy lifestyle he wanted over and over in his head since he was a child therefore it was easy for him to pretend to be some kind of bad ass biker. He was drug addict police officer who was given a free pass to get high on the job and get paid for it. Undercover ops are nothing more than entrapment, these guys are good at lieing,and deceiving others,and they're bosses really think they can trust them. The guy fooled a hundred heels angels for that long, you think he can't bullshit his fellow blue balls I mean boys as well. He be on police radio like alpha delta snort snort skeet skeet put that dope back on the street. Dirty ass cops they ten times as bad as some of the o es they put behind bars

    1. Joshua Evans 1 year ago

      You can talk smack all you want but it takes some big bals to do what he did and that goes for any undercover agents and offices

      1. Brian Stephens 1 year ago

        Anybody, with any interest can, and do, exactly what he did every single day. No bals needed. If, when he finished, he stayed in the area, stayed out of the witness protection program, and kept his same look, then not only would he have bals, but he'd be a man. Until something worse is discovered, a pedophile and a rat are our two lowest life forms, hopefully they continue to get what they deserve.

  3. Kevin Manto 1 year ago

    Funny reading these posts..both sides pointing the guilty finger at each other,when the truth is they're all cowards hiding in a gang..wether it's blue or patches..your all sheep living in a herd looking for a clue.

  4. Jamie Abdnor 1 year ago

    I've been having a wonderful time reading what George Christie has been saying about this piece of crap!!

  5. Fred Flynt stone 1 year ago

    Storm the capital??? Stfu you liberal pos. Take your mask off before you speak idiot!🤣🤣

  6. Tryan Sadler 1 year ago

    Guaranteed all the guys bitching about this cop, have back the blue shit all over everything, and they back the treasonous ex president of "law and order" lol... But they don't respect shit, or care anything about what they claim to. It's a cool little extreme right-wing badge, that back the blue crap... But in actuality, they all hate cops cuz they're all criminals... read it for yourselves lol to them shitty citizen means great patriot...storm any capitals lately? Those cops are the bad guys too though, right ....?

    1. steve w 1 year ago

      You may be retarded...you might wanna go back and snuggle your dead grandma and rethink that lol....we gonna file you under "lil bitch "

    2. Turkish Sitdown 1 year ago

      You are right. If we could see how many of the "We The People" crowd are pissed off over gun rights because they're either felons or wife beaters who can't get a gun, it'd be laughably embarrassing. They don't like law and order because they're lawless criminals. They didn't pay attention in high school when they were told to learn a trade or go to college, and now the economy has left them behind and they're angry. Meanwhile the "nerds" they used to beat up are sitting around printing money from their computers, and buying the lives that these guys will never have. So they blame minorities! Great bunch of people, really.

  7. Braxston Lewis 1 year ago

    This wannabe is like every other cop a fully fledged hypocritical pussy that was pushed around in high school couldn't get a bad ass chick , and desperately needed the badge or some kinda comradery so he didn't feel like the spineless worm he was/ is. Wake up call it was all a big band aid pussy
    #FTP 4 life slimy weasels dirty rats. Backstabbing bullys truth hurts. Now those are the patches you've earned Mr badass robocop. He prolly showd up on a Honda with a bandanna and sleeves cut off

    1. Turkish Sitdown 1 year ago

      If you think life with cops is bad, try living among criminals. If you haven't yet figured out how awful that life is, just give it time.

    2. You’re an idiot. Just because you are a shitty criminal, doesn’t make the police the issue.

      1. Jen Nichols 1 year ago

        If you can't see that most of them are dirty as hell then you need to wake up. He doesn't have to be a shitty criminal or hell a criminal at all to see how crooked they are. I'm not saying all of them but the majority.

        1. Turkish Sitdown 1 year ago

          Most of them are dirty as hell? Sounds terrible. Got any proof?

  8. Joanna Smith 1 year ago

    What a PO$ !! I cannot believe he is still alive ?

    1. Turkish Sitdown 1 year ago

      Yeah? You really think criminals have the nerve to kill a federal agent, and the resources to get away with it, huh? You watch a lot of Sons of Anarchy?

  9. Jim Smith 1 year ago

    Making a living as a BS artist. This POS was never a Member...Never a Prospect. He was a hang around. HE is the real criminal who tried to hurt people. Funny how he doesn't mention that his informants were someone who suffered from mental illness, and another a confessed murderer who only received 5 years in exchange for ratting. He also neglects to say why most of the charges were dropped ... the Federal District Court Judge said that the Government actions were illegal and violated the Defendants civil rights. DISGUSTING PIECE OF HUMANITY

    1. Al Thompson 1 year ago

      Hey there, non gang member here. Just so you know, the majority of the world is well aware that undercover agents sometimes break the law. We, as law abing citizens, don't mind, because it is the only way we can stop the actual "POS" members of "humanity" who have obviously developed a Messiah complex to think society is going to have sympathies for criminals. Any who.... enjoy your day Smith family.

  10. Sherry Ogden 1 year ago

    What a joke. He was into the partying,drugs,women and the image. He never actually got a patch. Therefore he was always a prospect never a full fledged Hells Angel. This is 100% a fact. He blew operations Black Biscuit I think the "mission" was call. He was too busy with other women, drugs and the image of a Hells Angel. He makes money trying to pass himself as a full fledged Angel. He never got his patch therefore he is not a Hells Angel and never will. Abviously not a good agent either.

  11. Fidel Lytle 1 year ago

    Life is a game. We each, individual person decides the part of that game of Life we want to participate in. Some of it is good. Some of it is bad. Each decision has it's consequences or rewards!

    Each person has to decide on the path they want to live. It is not my place to judge anyone. Those decisions are made by you. In the end you must decide....was it worth it.

    Only JEHOVAH GOD (Paslm 83:18 KJV) and you will participate in that final judgment statement! That will be a Private conversation between the two of you! May each One of You Live a Blessed Life in Good Health!

    1. Turkish Sitdown 1 year ago

      You're a member of a genocidal cult. You're far more disgusting than the cop or the criminals.

    2. Braxston Lewis 1 year ago

      This guy is just like every other cop . A weasel that was pushed around in high school. A dirty rat. And like everywhere cop in America a racist judgmental hypocrite those are the patches you earned . Wear em you coward .. going outta your way to derail a complete stranger and fuck their lives up their families ruining their kids lives just cause your unhappy with your small dick in the assz one. Cuz you don't have the courage to come out of the closet tough guy. You gotta pursue hate on the men your jealous of?
      I smell a cop that was molested as a child. Did your Daddys make you touch his naughty areas ?
      Seems super shallow even for a racist discriminating pig #FTP 4 life

      1. steve w 1 year ago

        Ok Skippy settle down , you mad cause your people don't know the word " comply" yet ?! 🤣🤣...did your uncle slippery knuckles hurt you as a child and you mad ?? You mad cause your people destroy everything they touch , look at Africa jackass how they raid villages rape , maim and enslave their own ...kinda like the inner am I right Skippy ?? Your 12 year old girl friend might be afraid of you , no one else is ,, learn to comply ma'am

        1. Al Thompson 1 year ago

          Understand that anyone reading this is going to come away thinking "that Steve w guy is the biggest piece of shit in this a entire thread..." but that probably isn't news to you. It's hilarious watching all these pieces of human garbage talking about how "pathetic" the cop is.... for doing his job 🤣 bunch of salty criminals butt hurt that they were dumb enough not to catch him. Us non criminals don't have the same issue with "rats" you cowards do....

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