
This Video Will Tell You If Your Knowledge About Maps Is Basic Or Not

This Video Will Tell You If Your Knowledge About Maps Is Basic Or Not
After doing some math, picking countries, colors and animals, if you end up with the same answer as Adam John, then it's time you visit the nearest library and sit down with an encyclopedia.
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H/T: justin via Adam John.


  1. David Nathan Allen 2 weeks ago

    emu, my number was 1

  2. Kilwrath 2 weeks ago

    Denmark, Koala, Amber here - it probably works for anyone that didn't quickly figure out that adding any two digit number divisible by 9 is going to add up to 9. Anyone who figured that out is going to intentionally try and pick less common answers to mess the system up.

  3. phantamos mang 2 weeks ago

    Dominica, Ant, and Turquoise.

  4. Kevin Gilkenson 2 weeks ago

    This is so dumb. But Dominican Republic, cheetah, hot pink. Cool.

  5. It's Secret 3 weeks ago

    No matter what number you pick in the beginning, if you multiply it by 9 and add the resulting numbers it will equal 9. So everyone will end up with 4, therefore D. I went with Djibouti, Iguana, Aqua, but I expected the game so...

    1. Steven 2 weeks ago

      Alternatively: Dominican Republic, Camel, and Lime Green

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