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Cyclist Shares How To Handle Raging Street Dogs Like A Professional

Cyclist Shares How To Handle Raging Street Dogs Like A Professional
"Do not allow yourself to be pressured off the road by the dog."
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Ed Hack, an ultra-endurance bike and parkour athlete, captured the moment when two loose street dogs began chasing him while out riding one day. Reflecting back on the experience, Hack said he hopes his advice will help protect any cyclists who may find themselves in a terrifying situation like this.

Via hackisoutthere.


  1. n p 3 months ago

    "Do not allow yourself to be pressured off the road by the dog."
    That's your advice? I faced this situation several times. My solution was to lean toward the dog and let out a loud bark or shout. If I had a whistle, I'd blow it loudly at the dog. Either of these things never failed to frighten off the dog, and it would just run away.

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