Here's The Crushing Reason Why So Many Americans Don't Have Enough Savings To Retire

Here's The Crushing Reason Why So Many Americans Don't Have Enough Savings To Retire
The problem isn't poor planning on an individual basis — it's a structural flaw. Changes made starting in the 1970s has sabotaged the retirement of regular people in the US.
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Via Vox.


  1. K J 1 month ago

    Typical nonsense from Vox.The bias is in the one-sided commentary. Most of what the commentators say is true, but they also leave out a lot as well. Given that Vox is a left wing site, it features structural boogeymen more heavily than a neutral site to drive viewers towards conspiratorial thinking.

  2. Larry Gainor 1 month ago

    Useless video focused on people who make over $100,000 per year. Totally irrelevant to the majority of Americans. Definitely not one of the best videos from around the web.

  3. Smasher Allloane 1 month ago

    So, it is bad planning in the individuals side...

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