These 'Calvin And Hobbes' Books Will Take You on Adventures Without Leaving The House

"Calvin and Hobbes," a comic strip about a boy and his stuffed tiger, ran from November 18, 1985 to December 31, 1995, but its legacy lives on in books passed on from generation to generation.
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"Calvin and Hobbes" always found a way to make us laugh, question society's conventions, ponder the meaning of life and sometimes even leave us a blubbering mess.

It captured the joy of being a kid: building the weirdest snowman on your block, soaking the girl next door with a water balloon or coming up with a game where you make up your own rules as you go along.

The legacy of Bill Watterson's creation lives on in book form that you can continue to share with the next generation.

Below, you'll find the complete box set and the individual volumes to round out a partial collection.

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The Complete Calvin and Hobbes

complete calvin and hobbes

This box set contains the complete collection of "Calvin and Hobbes" from its entire run.

If you prefer reading the comic as an individual book series, here's every edition that Watterson put out that you can collect in chronological order.

Calvin and Hobbes

calvin and hobbes volume one

"Calvin and Hobbes" contains the strips that ran from November 18, 1985 (the very first strip) to August 17, 1986.

Something Under The Bed Is Drooling

something under the bed is drooling

"Something Under the Bed Is Drooling" consists of the strips that ran from August 18, 1986 to May 23, 1987.

Yukon Ho!

yukon ho

"Yukon Ho!" features the strips that ran from May 24, 1987 to February 21, 1988, including the "Yukon Ho!" song.

Weirdos From Another Planet

weirdos from another planet

"Weirdos from Another Planet!" contains strips from February 22, 1988 to December 4, 1988.

The Revenge of the Baby-Sat

revenge of the babysat

"The Revenge of the Baby-Sat" features the strips that ran from December 5, 1988 to September 10, 1989.

Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink'

scientific progress goes boink

A compendium of strips that ran from September 11, 1989 to July 7, 1990, including the famous storyline where Calvin cloned himself.

Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons

attack of the deranged mutant killer monster snow goons

A book of the strips that spanned from July 8, 1990 to April 10, 1991, including some of the best snowman comics.

The Days Are Just Packed

the days are just packed

A collection of strips that ran from April 11, 1991 to November 1, 1992.

Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat

homicidal psycho jungle cat

A book filled with the strips from November 2, 1992 to August 29, 1993.

There’s Treasure Everywhere

theres treasure everywhere

There's Treasure Everywhere contains the strips the ran from August 30, 1993 to April 8, 1995.

It’s a Magical World

its a magical world

The final book in the series that features the strips that ran from March 20, 1995 to December 31, 1995 (the final comic).

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