This Heat Map Highlights Fascinating Trends In The New York Times Crossword Puzzle

This Heat Map Highlights Fascinating Trends In The New York Times Crossword Puzzle
A dedicated Redditor has analyzed the Sunday crossword puzzle to see which squares get used the most.
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Which squares get used more often than others in the NYT Sunday crossword puzzle? Regular players demand answers! As luck would have it, Redditor u/Ok-Surprise7483 recently set out to see exactly what the distribution of white and black squares across the years in the 21-by-21 Sunday puzzles looked like.

After analyzing thirty years of puzzles dating back to 1994, a certain pattern becomes clear. The corners easily have the most white squares on average while the rest of the edges trend fairly black and there's something of a wave happening in the middle. It'd make for one heck of a t-shirt.

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nyt crossword heatmap

byu/Ok-Surprise7483 from discussion

Looking for more word games? Try playing Typeshift right here on Digg.

Via Reddit.

[Image: SHVETS production]


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