the richest of the rich

The Richest Billionaire In Each US State, Mapped

The Richest Billionaire In Each US State, Mapped
Sixty-one percent of America's billionaires reside in just four of the country's states.
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The US is home to more billionaires than any other country in the world, with 770 mega-wealthy individuals recorded in 2023, according to analysis by Henley & Partners. That's an increase of almost five percent on the 735 counted in 2022.

According to data from Forbes, 61 percent of America's billionaires reside in just four states: California (179), New York (130), Florida (92) and Texas (73).

Using Forbes' research, Visual Capitalist mapped the wealthiest billionaire in each of the country's states — except for Alaska, West Virginia and Delaware, which don't have any.

Click image to enlarge

richest billionaires us states

Via Visual Capitalist.


  1. Richard B 1 year ago

    While it can be hard to justify so many dollars in so few hands, it is also remarkable that some of these started with nothing and built things that have made America a better place. Of course a $billion is not what it used to be.

  2. melvin cuello 1 year ago

    yet i have -24.59 dollars in my bank I work at wholefoods and pay child support up the a$$ do i make the broke person of my county? lol

  3. O mundo é mesmo injusto, as pessoas acumulam riuezas e também a ganâcia, ignorando seu próximo necesitados de dinheiro e ajuda financeira. Quando os ricos serão dispertos para se tornarem generosos e compartilhar a suas riquezas com a maioria desafortunas.

  4. Eric Johnston 1 year ago

    Wow. Look at all those old, bald white guys.

    1. Fj Massaro 1 year ago

      ;-) I can see you're the kind of guy that knows how to give multiple sarcasms.

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