night scrollers

The Apps Americans Use Before Bed, Visualized

The Apps Americans Use Before Bed, Visualized
Using your phone at bedtime seriously impacts your sleep quality — but that doesn't stop us from scrolling.
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Using your phone before bed is not good for your quality of sleep — the blue light from your screen disrupts the production of melatonin, the hormone that helps you feel sleepy and ready to snooze. Nevertheless, most of us are in the habit of scrolling at night.

MattressNextDay surveyed 1,500 Americans to find out which apps they use most, and why they're on their phones at bedtime.

Key Findings:

  • Almost 40 percent of those surveyed admit they scroll through apps before going to sleep.

  • Despite research showing phone use affects your sleep, more than half of respondents think it helps them wind down at bedtime.

  • Sixty-eight percent of respondents use their phones within an hour of going to sleep on a nightly basis.

  • On average, before-bed use of Whatsapp increases by 195 percent on the weekend.

Click images to enlarge

apps used before bed

apps before bed sleep

Via MattressNextDay.

[Image credit: cottonbro studio]


  1. Ali Saroba 8 months ago

    great article.

  2. Robert Creely 8 months ago

    I fall asleep every night enjoying "Old Time Radio" or " Relic Radio"

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