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The Most-Googled Word Definitions In Every Country, Mapped

The Most-Googled Word Definitions In Every Country, Mapped
Americans are searching the definition for "gaslighting" more than any other term.
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To uncover the most searched-for word definitions around the world, Crossword Solver analyzed search volume data for words searched along with "definition," then identified the word definitions with the highest number of monthly searches in each country. The findings are accurate as of October 2023.

Key Findings:

  • Americans are searching to define gaslighting more than any other word. With 130,000 monthly Google searches, the colloquialism has a higher search volume than any other term in any other country.

  • In the UK, pegging (the sex act, not the word for securing something with pegs) is the most-Googled definition, with 11,000 searches a month.

  • Canadians are searching the definition for woke more than any other word (7,200 monthly searches).

  • Bullying gets 4,300 searches a month in Australia, making it the country's most-Googled definition.

  • メンヘラ (translating to Menhera, slang for somebody needing mental health care) is both Japan's most-searched definition and the world's most-searched non-English language definition (92,000 searches a month).

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most googled word definitions world

most googled definitions america

most googled definitions canada

most googled definitions uk

most googled definitions australia

Via Crossword Solver.


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