counting the hours

Where US Remote Workers Save The Most Commute Time, Visualized

Where US Remote Workers Save The Most Commute Time, Visualized
New Yorkers working remotely save an average of 331.67 hours of commuting time per year.
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Remote working, introduced widely in the wake of the pandemic, has become so common that American workers going into the office every day now appear to be in the minority. The benefits of working from home are many — better work-life balance, waking up later, working in your pajamas — but one of the best perks is getting to avoid the daily commute.

Not all workers save the same amount of time by not commuting, though. Using US Census Bureau data, found the average commute length of each US city and state — then doubled it to reflect a return journey, and multiplied this by the average number of days worked in a year (250) — to find out where in America people save the most commute time by working remotely.

Key Findings:

  • At an average of 331.67 hours per year, New York City's remote workers save the most commute time of any city in the US. The total commuting hours saved every year by the city's remote workforce also adds up to more than any other city, at 295,632,078.

  • When it comes to states, remote workers in California save the most travel time in the country, avoiding 876,776,100 hours of commuting a year.

  • Remote workers in South Dakota save the least commute hours by working from home, saving an average of just 145 hours per year — the lowest figure for any of the country's cities or states.

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commute time saved remote working america



  1. Lori Simmons 1 year ago

    Houston is a big sprawl of a city, and we live on the far west side nearly in Katy. I work in the Texas Medical Center. My average morning commute is 50 minutes, and my average afternoon commute is 60 minutes. Not only can I sleep in for an extra couple of hours, I'm no longer paying for parking. Daily rates for visitors range from $3-$15 plus tax. Not missing that at all.

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