
America's Favorite Beers, By Generation

America's Favorite Beers, By Generation
The love for Guinness and Heineken runs deep across generations, but there are a few other beers that stand out as exclusive tastes.
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A recent YouGov poll — conducted in Q4 2023 — asked people about their favorite beer brands, and divided opinion into fame (the percentage of people who'd heard of the brand) and popularity (the percentage of people who have a positive opinion of the brand).

Overall, among Millennials, Gen Xers and Boomers, Heineken, Guinness and Corona appear to be the three most-loved brands. Sixty percent of Millennials said Heineken was their favorite beer, while a majority of Gen Xers (57 percent) and nearly half of the Boomers (49 percent) said they preferred Guinness as their favorite.

Here are some other key takeaways:

  • Bud Light, a beer that 96 percent of the respondents said they were familiar with, was ranked a lowly 30th when it came to popularity, with just 37 percent expressing a positive opinion.

  • Millennials like foreign beers, and the top half of their top 10 list consisted of beers from Mexico and The Netherlands.

  • When considering taste differences among generations, Modelo didn't make the Boomer top 10 list, White Claw (an alcoholic seltzer) and Budweiser only made the Millennial list and Blue Moon was featured only in Gen X's top 10.

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americans favorite beer by generation

Via Visual Capitalist.

[Image: RDNE Stock project]


  1. Van Schroeder 5 months ago

    Love Philip Grasso’s comment “I only drink Guinness on St Patrick’s Day this list is wrong!”. Someone should report this guy’s whereabouts to the FBI, he’s probably on the Jan 6th suspect list.

  2. Philip Grasso 5 months ago

    As a boomer my first choice isn't Guinness. I'll have on St Patrick's Day. And they still make Michelob light???? Not sure where they took the survey.

  3. Matthew Shook 5 months ago

    Unless I'm confused, there isn't a beer named "Corona." If you check there is "Corona Extra," "Corona Light," and some other less common ones. If you take out "Corona" there's room for another #10 beer in each column.

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