The 50 Most Filmed Streets In The US, Mapped

The 50 Most Filmed Streets In The US, Mapped
Do you live close to a street that Hollywood loves to film on? Find out using this map.
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Using IMDB advanced search data and Google geo coding, American Home Shield found the 50 most popular American streets where Hollywood loves to film. It's no surprise that most of them (44 out of the top 50) are either in California or New York.

In fact, nine out of the top ten most filmed streets are in New York City or Los Angeles.

The Top 10 Most Filmed Streets In The US

Street Location Credits
Hollywood Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 133
Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 64
Park Avenue NYC, NY 61
Broadway NYC, NY 51
Fifth Avenue NYC, NY 46
Wall Street NYC, NY 45
Vine Street Los Angeles, CA 35
Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 31
Mulholland Drive Los Angeles, CA 28
Market Street San Francisco, CA 22

Find more city specific maps of the most filmed streets at American Home Shield

Image courtesy Aman


  1. Chaoshuasaurus Rex 2 years ago

    Does Vancouver and Toronto count? Pretty sure large number of films shoot there now... :joy: America-lite?

  2. Steve Kolan 2 years ago

    LaSalle Street in the Loop in Chicago has been featured in 9 films; gotta show some love for my hometown:

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