Matthew Morrison Reads The Direct Message To A Contestant That Got Him Fired From 'So You Think You Can Dance'

Matthew Morrison Reads The Direct Message To A Contestant That Got Him Fired From 'So You Think You Can Dance'
"Glee" star Matthew Morrison defended himself in an Instagram video after it was reported he was fired from "So You Think You Can Dance" for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a female contestant.
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The Lede

Matthew Morrison released a video statement defending himself after it was reported he was fired as a judge on "So You Think You Can Dance" after a message he sent to a contestant made them "uncomfortable."

Key Details
  • Morrison said the message was, "Hey, it's Matthew. If you don't mind, would love to get your number and talk you through some things."

  • Morrison appeared on just two episodes of the competition before being ousted as a judge.

  • "It's really unfortunate that I have to sit here and defend myself and my family against blatantly untrue statements made anonymously, but I have nothing to hide," he added.

The Source


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