boxes? or orbs?

What Is The Coffer Illusion — And Why Am I Not Seeing Any Circles In This Puzzle?

What Is The Coffer Illusion — And Why Am I Not Seeing Any Circles In This Puzzle?
Focus on the lines. No, not those, the other ones.
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At first glance, you might just see a bunch of boxes with detail around the edges. They appear like wooden panels that are sunken in and creating a 3D effect. But there are also numerous circles hidden among these horizontal lines. In fact, there are 16 in total.

This is known as the Coffer Illusion, and it's a relatively recent discovery. It was a finalist in the Neural Correlate Society's 2006 Best Illusion of the Year Contest and was discovered by Stanford psychology professor Anthony Norcia.

coffer illusion

The reason it works is because the brain is wired to perceive squares, corners and angles first. We're inclined to prioritize those shapes because they provide more critical information compared to orbs, circles and curves.

Let us know what you see, or how long it took you to realize this is actually about circles and not coffins.

And if you still can't locate the circles:

byu/Old_Guide_433 from discussion

Via Reddit/Rogus.


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