
Here at Digg, we make it our mission to curate the most interesting and well-reported stories and the most engaging videos for you, our readers. A side effect of this task is that, along the way, we have become what they call extremely online. And when you're extremely online, you inevitably find yourself on Twitter.

We are seeing the effects of reintegrating into IRL society this week, and while some of us are out there being icons, others are wreaking havoc. Perhaps it's best to just go home and get safely back behind a screen.

  1. This has to be illegal:

2. The hero we need AND deserve:

3. Give him his money back:

4. Extremely good question:

5. Another great question:

6. Beautiful:

7. Horrifying:

8. Quarantine has really released all of our inner demons out into the world:

9. Yes, we're all going to die someday, but at least we'll be unreachable:

10. Then again…

For more great tweets, check out last week's roundup.

Molly Bradley is an editor at Digg.

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