Birds Named By People Who Hate Birds, Getting Owned By My Kid, And More Of The Week's Best Tweets

Here at Digg, we make it our mission to curate the most interesting and well-reported stories and the most engaging videos for you, our readers. A side effect of this task is that, along the way, we have become what they call extremely online. And when you're extremely online, you inevitably find yourself on Twitter.

This week, as we close in on one year since the coronavirus was declared a global pandemic, we're watching the vaccine roll out painfully slowly and experiencing the crushing pain of isolation and ennui. Fun!

  1. When your government has a very normal and very cool taxation system that penalizes you for not understanding very complicated tax code:

2. I'm a Moderna, because I'm a modern woman:

3. Can someone get a status update on Sufjan?

4. This whole thread is truly incredible; you will learn of bird names you never knew existed, and you will have a lot of questions about them. Here are just a few examples of birds with hateful names:

5. Kids: they're cooler than you.

6. Eeby deeby:

7. But actually WTF:

8. Personally I'm rooting for a tiny sky-tyrant:

9. What a year:

10. I SAID, what a year!!!

That's all for this week, folks! For more great tweets, check out last week's roundup.

Molly Bradley is an editor at Digg.

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