Today In 2016: Trump Calls Hillary Unattractive

Welcome to Today In 2016, your daily digest of all things election. Today: Hillary Clinton's struggle to say "sorry," Donald Trump on Lindsay Lohan and Ben Carson's interview from hell.

Today's Headlines

Trump Says He 'Wasn't Impressed' By Hillary's Appearance [Twitter]

Ex-'Apprentice' Contestant Accuses Donald Trump Of Sexual Harassment [Jezebel]

Woman Comes Forward To Accuse Donald Trump Of Groping Her Without Consent In The Early '90s [The Washington Post]

Donald Trump Told Stern "Deeply Troubled" Women Are "The Best In Bed," Commenting On Lindsay Lohan [CNN]

Big Donors Ask RNC To Cut Ties With Trump [The New York Times]

Three 'Apprentice' Staffers Say Donald Trump Called Deaf Contestant 'Retarded,' And Khloe Kardashian A 'Fat Piglet' [The Huffington Post And The Daily Beast]

Hacked Emails From Wikileaks Show Clinton's Long Road To 'Sorry' In Email Scandal And An Early Strategy Sex Scandal Questions [Fox News And The Daily Beast]

Donald Trump May Not Have Given Promised Donation To 9/11 Charities [The New York Daily News]

The Long And Short Takes

Don't Call Trump's Campaign An Implosion

It's typical to call a campaign gone south an "implosion," but Donald Trump proves that the death of a campaign is really more of an explosion. The candidate reaches outward to blame whoever else he can for their failure, the party is left to deal with the aftermath, and supporters are left scattered — either disillusioned, disturbed, or defiant. These are consequences of a violent expansion of energy, not a collapse.

[The Atlantic]

The Problem With 'Lock Her Up'

"Lock her up" has become a common refrain among Trump supporters, and at the last debate, Trump said that if he were President he would follow through on putting Hillary Clinton in prison. While these calls may seem like typical mudslinging these days, they fundamentally undermine a core tenant of democracy: that elected officials won't tip the scales of elections or justice in favor one party. 

[The Wall Street Journal]

Hot Air

Ben Carson's Interview From Hell

This morning, Trump surrogate and ex-presidential candidate Ben Carson had a very rough interview. He started off by implying America was on the brink of apocalypse and ended up in a screaming match with a journalist, eventually just asking Scarborough "can you turn her microphone off please?" The trainwreck speaks for itself below.


Poll Positions

Latest Polling Average

Clinton: 44.4%; Trump: 39.1%; Johnson: 6.6% [Real Clear Politics]

Latest Odds

Clinton: 85.5%; Trump: 14.5% [FiveThirtyEight]

Clinton: 89%; Trump: 11% [New York Times]

Clinton: 97%; Trump: 3% [Princeton Election Consortium]

That's it for today. Get some rest, who knows how many October surprises tomorrow will bring!

Need more Election 2016 coverage? Jeez, you're insatiable! Check out our Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton channels.


<p>Benjamin Goggin is the News Editor at Digg.&nbsp;</p>

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