
Over the years, many people have left New York. And many of those people have written a Medium post entitled "Why I'm leaving New York." The practice peaked several years ago, after reaching such a saturation point that even the number of parodies started to feel like overload. 

Never one to miss out on a old joke, Twitter sprang into overdrive on Thursday when it was announced that recent Medium poster Jeff Bezos and Amazon were pulling out of their New York City office deal. Can you guess the joke? Of course you can, everybody did:










Finally, we must give credit where it is due β€” as far as we can tell, TIME's Ryan Teague Beckwith was the first to get to the joke, thought he did not reap the retweet rewards:


If you're logging on to Twitter now, follow Ryan's lead:


Update: Over at New York Magazine, Madisone Malone Kircher has redeemed the joke and penned a parody "Why I'm Leaving New York" post for Jeff Bezos. It's very good:

It is easy to see the beginning of headquarters, and harder to see the ends. I can remember now, with a clarity that makes the nerves in the back of my neck constrict, when New York began for me (though it was certainly not when Andrew Cuomo said the words "three billion dollars"), but I cannot lay my finger on the moment it ended

Go read the whole thing over at Intelligencer. 

<p>Dan Fallon is Digg's Editor in Chief.&nbsp;</p>

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