
Howard Stern was a frequent guest in the Letterman era of the "Late Show" (43 appearances!) but on Tuesday night he made his debut next to Stephen Colbert.

Before he even really gets to plugging the thing he's there to promote (his new book) he completely trashes his old show, "America's Got Talent."

 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

They continue after a commercial break with Stern saying "circling back to what you said…" and diving into a discussion about mental health. What a pro.

 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

They spend five minutes talking about "maybe one of the top five guests of all time": Donald Trump.

 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

And finally, Stern explains what he would have asked Hillary Clinton if he actually got to interview her like he wanted to in 2016:

 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

A great interview. Here's hoping we get another one of these.

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