
A few weeks ago, reports were swirling about Netflix acquiring the rights to the third movie in the "Cloverfield" anthology series. This thirty-second spot from the Super Bowl just confirmed that yep, it's happening, and the new movie is premiering this evening:


For those not in the know, the original "Cloverfield" released in 2009 told the story of a giant monster's rampage in New York City from the perspective of a group of twenty-somethings with a camcorder. The second movie, "10 Cloverfield Lane," was totally different: there's no overt suggestion they take place in the same world (so yeah, cutting parts of the first movie into this teaser is interesting). As for "The Cloverfield Paradox?" โ€” this movie was long known by the working title "God Particle," and reports last month suggested the title was being changed in part because the Higgs Boson-y element of the plot was dropped from the film. 

Well, we'll all find out together whether the film is connected to either of the first "Cloverfield" movies later tonight… when we get to watch this thing. Streaming is weird.

<p>Mathew Olson is an Associate Editor at Digg.</p>

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