
​They're everywhere, people love them, and it can be hard at times to understand why. We mean dogs, of course; that's why they're the perfect candidates to judge the fidget spinner toy craze.

First up — a Shiba Inu who seems not-too-fond of their human's new toy:

 ShibeNation on YouTube

This pup catches on quick, and seems to approve:


Judging by the barks and small whimper, this dog votes no:


Playful bite or out for blood? Leaning towards the latter:


This dog probably has, like, a dozen spinners by now:

Fidget spinner on dog mouth, lol! #fidgetspinner #fidget #fidgetcube

A post shared by Aimcig-Hardware Manufacturer (@ben_huang_vapor) on


If this pit bull could talk, 'nope' is all it'd be saying:

 Bad Lucho on YouTube

And… well, we're not sure how to gauge this reaction:


So, canine-kind appears to be split on fidget spinners. The debate rages on. Maybe we can get the rest of the animal kingdom to weigh in?

Or, you know, we could do a little science on the claims about focus and just accept that not all toys are for everybody. That'd be good too.

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