
​Yesterday, Twitter announced that it is expanding its character limit from 140 to 280 for "a small group" of users, which founder Jack Dorsey debuted (with a rather wordy tweet):


If you aren't a member of that small group, you might be feeling a jealous of the users who are now writing very long tweets. What do they have that you don't? Don't you deserve to share your thoughts in twice-as-long fragments with the world?

You sure do! And now you can, because web developer Juliette Pretot made a handy and easy-to-use bookmark that overrides Twitter's character limit for those who are still in 140-character prison. All you have to do is drag and drop a bit of code onto your bookmarks bar, go to Tweetdeck (the web version) and start tweeting those extra-long missives. Get out there and have fun — but use your newfound superpower wisely.

[Juliette Pretot]

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