This Week In 'Practical Things You Probably Need To Buy But Keep Putting Off'

We all lead busy and interesting and cool lives, right? In the midst of all the book clubs, new Netflix shows, binge drinking, and attempts to navigate a single acceptable Tinder date, it's often easy to forget to take care of the most important person in our lives. Ourselves!! Each week we try to provide you with a few items that you really should just stop making excuses and get for yourself. You won't regret it.

A Space Heater To Keep Your Tiny Toes Warm In The Winter

So the picture of this space heater was really boring, so I decided to spice it up because honestly I have used this space heater for years and love it. It's not flashy, it's not "ergonomic" or anything like that, it just kicks out a good amount of heat, it has a timer so you don't burn down your house, and it comes with a remote so you can activate it from your bed. Lovely. Soon your drafty room will feel like Turks and Caicos.


Help Fight Dust And Dirt In Your Room With An Air Purifier

Ugh the pictures of air purifiers are really boring too. I've placed this one in a landscape with "fresh mountain air" to help represent how nice and clean your air will be after going through this beast. If you have a really dusty room (made worse by neighbors above stomping around and knocking it loose) this will help contain that, in addition to preventing mold and bacteria. Side note — when you're buying an air purifier, make sure it's HEPA approved. 


Make Believe You Have Less Stuff By Using Vacuum Bags

This picture isn't glamorous but I want to make sure you're getting the right brand. A bunch of these vacuum-sealed storage bags have some risky reviews about how the air's leaking out and the seals don't hold, but Storage Army seems to be a safe bet. My mom uses these for like old coats and clothes and stuff, but really you could put just about anything in there, and hide it in a small place until you remember it six months later.


Chemistry Is Amazing And Made Magic Rubber That Helps You Fix Anything In Your House

Sugru is pretty damn neat. Who knows how the stuff is made, but it's good for sealing leaks, gluing stuff back together, stickin stuff to walls — whatever you want really. It's waterproof, UV resistant, electrically insulating and dishwasher proof when cured. We all know duct tape is cool and "fixes everything" but you're not gonna put duct tape all over your toothbrush or on a broken glass buddy.


You Know What Is Great? A Bath Mat That Actually Stops Your Bathroom Floor From Being Soaked!!

Like, this is the simplest shit. Put a bath mat down, and one that works. If you don't use a bath mat, you're frickin' gross. I'm sorry. But your roommate/spouse/dog doesn't want to have wet socks and feet from your tepid shower water. Sop it up please. This one uses highly porous diatomaceous earth to drink up the water.


Here's Something That Will Make Your Bathroom At Least Somewhat Sanitary

We all know you're not gonna be cleaning your bathroom once a week, and that's fine. It's a lot to ask from anyone. But if you're constantly finding mold and mildew in different places in the old wash closet, try placing a UV disinfecting light on the toilet or in the shower to help prevent that stuff from growing. Looks pretty cool too.


You Might Want To Look Into Disinfecting Other Things Too

I have bad news for you. Your phone and keys and other items you carry daily are Nasty. As. Fuck. They go with you into the bathroom, into the subway or train, into the cat's mouth at the vet. You drop it on the office floor, or in your buffalo chicken marinade. Clean the things you have once in a while.


A Neat Way To Tell The Weather (Not That Practical, But Still Cool) 

So this storm glass isn't like a "life necessity" or anything, but it does possess very high decorative value and a "cool factor" (and it does tell the weather too, but also so do apps so I don't know). This would make a great gift for anyone who's meteorologically inclined. What's cool is that little thing changes how it looks based on the weather. The changing pressure forces crystals to form as weather changes, so you can tell what's going on outside before you even look at your phone every morning. It's kinda like God's weather app…yea let's go with that.


Okay that's it this week darlings!!! Hopefully one or more of these things will find it's way into your life and make things a little bit easier for you!! Love you!!​

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