
On Sunday, far-right National Front candidate Marine Le Pen came in a close second in the first round of voting for the French presidency, ​which means she's headed for a runoff with inexperienced centrist Emmanuel Macron. Le Pen has promised to renegotiate France's membership in the European Union and possibly hold a referendum on leaving the eurozone, so the results of the first round of the election have stoked fears of another Brexit-style crisis for the EU.

The best thing about Brexit, obviously, was the name, so let's look on the bright side: If France does vote to leave the EU, we'll have a lot of great options for groan-worthy puns and portmanteaux. Here's a map by Redditor Bezzleford (based on a Quartz list from last summer) of all the possible names for various countries' exit from the EU.

Get excited about all the headlines containing some version of "AdiEU" in the event of a Le Pen win!


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