This Week In 'Practical Things You Probably Need To Buy But Keep Putting Off'

We all lead busy and interesting and cool lives, right? In the midst of all the book clubs, new Netflix shows, binge drinking, and attempts to navigate a single acceptable Tinder date, it's often easy to forget to take care of the most important person in our lives. Ourselves!!

As someone who carried the same mostly-working umbrella for 6 years and used to haul his personal belongings in plastic bags because he didn't want to buy a tote, I can personally say that fighting the "I'm not going to spend money because I have something that kinda does the trick" battle is ultimately not worth it. Planned obsolescense really sucks, but you're going to be much happier if you just buy the damn thing you need.

Here are a few items that, honestly, will just make your life a little easier this week.

A Comfortable Reading Pillow

We're right in the middle of winter, and that means plenty of time indoors. You're going to be sitting on your bed a lot, so why not save your back and neck with a really nice reading pillow. You won't be up against the hard wall, and it even comes with a nice phone holder.


Some Warm, Dry Boots

It's universally known that one of the top 10 worst feelings in the world is cold, wet feet. Your boots from DSW or Aldo are really nice, we all can see that, but they're not meant for rain and snow and salt. Get a pair of rubber-based boots (ideally with some warm lining) that won't tear or soak through, and you'll have happier feet, and a happier you. Check out these London Fogs for men, and these Northside options for women.


Waterproofing Spray

If you don't feel like kicking extra dough for a full set of boots, or you have a pair that you already feel pretty good about, just touch them up with waterproofing spray. 15 minutes and you'll be set for the rest of these icy, rainy days. Also, you can totally waterproof other things like gloves, hats, backpacks, etc etc. Just read the label first to make sure you won't ruin weird fabrics like suede.


A Seasonal Affective Disorder Lamp

Basically, Seasonal Affective Disorder makes you sad and lethargic in the winter because you're not getting enough sun. Now I'm not suggesting you have to stare at this thing full blast like this trooper below, but if you have one of these lights simulating daylight in your room or apartment 
(instead of the weird yellow or fluorescent bulbs that normally are there), you'll feel better in no time.


A Humidifier For Those Long Dry Nights

Winter arrives, the space heaters come out, and the radiators start knockin' around. Try doing that for a week without a humidifier and see how your nose feels every morning. I can tell you right now, it won't feel good. It'll be stuffed and weird and boogery. A humidifier is the easiest way to not have that happen. Just add water! 


A Fresh Set Of Towels

I don't think many people consider the joy that comes with using a new set of towels. You probably don't even notice that your towels are kinda crusty and stiff when you dry off at this point. They feel "normal," and that's fine! But compare it to a new towel and see if you go back. Turn the old body towels into floor towels, or use them to dust your room or something.


A Good Umbrella

My woes with an umbrella have already been made clear, and it wasn't until I received one as a gift that I learned any different. One night I'm walking around with a soggy Michelob-Ultra (yes really) umbrella with a broken spoke, and the next I have a reversible umbrella that isn't wet on the outside when you close it, and covers my whole body. I have the exact model below, and I love it.


A Quality Cast Iron Skillet

You probably hear a lot of foodie-types rave about cast iron skillets, and for good reason. The best of which is they just cook better. They heat evenly and get really hot, and are really quite easy to use once you get the hang of them. Plus you can just put them in the oven if you need to bake in them. If you plan on cooking more this winter, go cast iron.


That's it for our first installment. Here's to hoping one or more of these items will improve your day/week/month/ year/life! We'll see you again next week, same Bat Time, same Bat Place.

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<p>Joe Tonelli is the proud owner of a fully-functioning umbrella and multiple tote bags.</p>

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