


Dr. Alexandra Horowitz is the head of Barnard's Dog Cognition Lab. Calvin Broadus, Jr. is the rapper better known as Snoop Dogg (or Snoop Lion). Both are leaders in their field.

Dr. Horowitz studies how dogs process and understand the world. What do dogs think and know and feel? Can a dog recognize itself in a mirror? How are German shepherds able to play with chihuahuas without hurting them? Do dogs have a sense of justice? These are all the types of questions that Dr. Horowitz tries to answer.

Snoop Dogg writes and records platinum records. In his work, Snoop tries to answer questions like "what's my name," when to "drop it like it's hot," and "so what we get drunk?"

In this game, you'll have to decide whether a quote is from a magazine article written about Snoop Dogg or one of Dr. Horowitz's academic papers about dog cognition. Good luck!


To hear Dr. Horowitz explain her research, listen to her episode of You're The Expert 

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