Get More Pleasure Out Of Sex With Tenuto 2

Get More Pleasure Out Of Sex With Tenuto 2
Make getting hard easy and add some excitement to sex with MysteryVibe's vibrator for him and her.
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Pleasure is supposed to feel good — really good — but it can be a pain point, especially for men, who can have performance anxiety and trouble with arousal or maintaining erections. It’s a hard experience (no pun intended) when your body doesn’t do what you want it to, and even harder when there have been few products out on the market that truly make a difference. Sure, there’s the little blue pill and other prescription medications you can try, but unintended side effects and availability could throw a wrench in those plans. But don't lose hope. The folks over at MysteryVibe have answered your prayers.

Their latest innovation is called Tenuto 2, a vibrator made for couples that has won over 20 awards for design alone. This modern marvel is the culmination of research and experience, created for the sole purpose of ensuring that stimulation is evenly dispersed on all avenues of approach for both him and her. The way it works is that the device contains four strategically placed motors that vibrate along the penis and perineum on his end and the clitoris and the labia on her side. The structure of Tenuto 2 lends to its effectiveness, with a revolutionary flexible design that comfortably adapts to your penis, whatever your size, creating a ring that allows you to maintain harder erections for longer than you otherwise would. And unlike other rings on the market, the Tenuto 2 is the only male vibrator that allows the wearer to ejaculate! Thus solving the issues of performance that have plagued men for generations.

More key features of Tenuto 2 include its 100% showerproof, body-safe silicone shell, which makes for both easy cleaning and fun in the shower. 16 different vibration settings ranging in intensity, giving you the option to maximize your pleasure in the short term or keep it low and slow. Tenuto 2 is also compatible with smartphones through the MysteryVibe app which allows you to create custom settings and individually program the intensity of each motor allowing you to find the best settings for you and your partner. On top of all that, you can purchase a deck of MysteryVibe playing cards, which give you plenty of opportunity to spice up your date night with games of risqué roulette or even a form of spin the bottle. The options are limitless and totally up to you.

All in all, the purchase of a Tenuto 2 isn’t just a new toy to help you spice up your sex life, it’s also a statement as to the confidence you have in yourself and your partner; The willingness to know yourself and take steps to explore different methods of keeping up with your sexual health. And, as everyone knows, confidence is sexy as hell. So why not give it a go?

For more information check out MysteryVibe’s website today. They’re currently offering 15% off for MysteryVibe’s 4th of July Sale! Prepare for explosive fireworks in the bedroom, shower or wherever your carnal adventures take you.

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