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'I Visited Iceland From The US And Went To An American-Themed Bar. I'd Never Felt More Like A Tourist'

'I Visited Iceland From The US And Went To An American-Themed Bar. I'd Never Felt More Like A Tourist'
Insider correspondent Talia Lakritz visited American Bar, a US-themed bar and restaurant in downtown Reykjavík.
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Doing some research ahead of a trip to Iceland in June, Insider's Talia Lakritz came across a US-themed bar and restaurant — aptly named American Bar — in downtown Reykjavík. Here's what she found.

[An Uncle Sam statue outside American Bar. Talia Lakritz/Insider]

Lakritz knew she was in the right place when she spotted a giant Uncle Sam statue outside the door. The American flags were also a giveaway.

[Sports-themed decor at American Bar. Talia Lakritz/Insider]

The sports and hunting paraphernalia that decorated the space — combined with dim lighting and country-rock music — made Lakrtiz feel like she was in a sports bar in the US.

[An American-themed mural. Talia Lakritz/Insider]

On one wall, a mural depicted a collage of Mount Rushmore, a bald eagle, a baseball, a football, and a hot dog.

[The bar offered a wide variety of drinks. Talia Lakritz/Insider]

The bar offers over 50 kinds of beer, according to the restaurant's website.

The menu was heavy on meat, featuring cheeseburgers, BBQ ribs, and wings. Cheeseburgers started at 2,650 Icelandic krónor, or about $20, which is comparable to New York prices.

[The bathroom wall. Talia Lakritz/Insider]

The American theme carried through to the bathroom, where the walls were covered in US license plates from different states.

While the bar's portrayal of the US was a touch exaggerated, it still managed to make Lakrtiz a bit homesick.

See more photos inside Iceland's American Bar on Insider.

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