Everything You Need To Make The Perfect Cup Of Pour Over Coffee At Home

Everything You Need To Make The Perfect Cup Of Pour Over Coffee At Home
You don't have to pay $6 for an overpriced cup of coffee that was probably made hours before you got to the cafe. Making pour over at home is a game changer.
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I've been making pour over coffee everyday for nearly three straight years now. I think it's one of the best ways to have a cup of coffee โ€” it takes less than ten minutes, the routine becomes second nature very quick and it can be tailored to suit specific needs. If you want to start making pour over at home, here's what you'll need

Kalita Stainless Steel Wave 155 Coffee Dripper

Kalita Stainless Steel Wave 155 Coffee Dripper

You'll find a lot of coffee drippers, from porcelain to glass, but this steel one's great. Steel makes it a little less fragile than other materials. The 155 is a single cup dripper, and the 185 accommodates more.

Wave Filter

wave filter

The wave filter, named after its wavy filter ridges, is what makes this system magical. The 155 and 185 sizes each have their own set of filters, naturally the bigger size still works in the smaller one, but always make sure you have the right size filters and cup.

Snow Peak MG-142 Mug Sierra Cup

Snow Peak MG-142 Mug Sierra Cup

Having a solid, daily use mug is the way to go. This one is a great travel companion and good for everyday use because it's not too bulky.

Escali Ciro Table Top Scale

Escali Ciro Table Top Scale

You'll soon find out, but there's a bit of basic weighing you need to do to make pour over. The coffee to water ratio needs to be consistent, it can obviously be tweaked, and having a scale with "tare" is a must have.

Gooseneck Kettle

Gooseneck Kettle

Kettle's are essential in the process, and it's necessary they be of the gooseneck variety, because they make for the best pouring kettles. You can go electric or stove-top, that's just about preference.



Grinding your own coffee is the way to go, so you're always using the perfect amount, not wasting anything and still keeping things fresh. Make sure you store the beans in an air-tight container, so they don't lose their substance.



We can't tell you what's the best coffee, that's for you to decide. Just make sure you buy whole beans and grind them yourself. How you grind them will also determine the flavor, so make sure you read up on the differences between finely ground and coarser cups.

Once you have everything at hand, we recommend watching a video tutorial on how to make a cup of pour over coffee to get a hand of the basics, and then figure out how to make a cup that suits your style. Enjoy!

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