This Chart Highlights The Biggest Difference Between The European And American Mindset

This Chart Highlights The Biggest Difference Between The European And American Mindset
The American mind can't comprehend taking more than a few weeks of vacation.
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A survey of 1,228 employees in the US and in Europe, recorded in September and October '24, highlights one big difference between European and American workers' habits.

In the US, around five in ten workers surveyed said they took less than 11 days off in the year, whereas in Europe, around six in ten workers reported taking at least 21 days off.

In fact, European workers who took more than 25 days off last year were the majority, whereas the same group represented the smallest percentage of American workers.

Via Reddit.


  1. Just Some Guy 1 month ago

    More than once in my life, while on weekend trips, I've run into Europeans on 20+ day long vacations road tripping across America.

    Do you know what it feels like to watch foreigners take that much time off to road trip across your country that you've never had enough time off to do the same?

    When I asked one group if their trip was some special thing, they just said they always get that much time off and were probably going to do the same in another country the next year.

    We Americans are burning our lives away working and we need to understand it doesn't have to be like that and DEMAND change from our overlords.

    1. David M 1 month ago

      It must be nice to be rich enough that the limits on spending 20+ day abroad is vacation time and not the thousands of dollars.... You need to be very careful to think about who is traveling abroad for 20+ days. Do you think it is the average european citizen or are you looking at the top 10%? I can tell you what my experience is when talking to europeans in europe who would love to visit but tell you how unaffordable it is. The good news for them is they have a dozen countries that are cheap enough to visit in a 6 hour train of where they live.

      1. Mark Mendel 1 month ago

        I make about median income in the US. If I had that kind of PTO, I could go backpack around Europe no problem.

      2. Just Some Guy 1 month ago

        How much money they have doesn't change how many PAID days off their society provides them.

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